Well hello there and welcome to 2021.  And for me, it’s a welcome back to my business.  Whilst I am not yet available to return to face to face counselling, I am here to offer insights; as a counsellor, business owner, a Mum, and a military wife.

One of the values driving my business is “Supporting people to ease their distress and suffering, empowering them to achieve increased emotional wellbeing”.  And if there was ever a time when we all need a bit of support to do this, it’s now.

Whilst the nation has started to be vaccinated for COVID, the reality is we will continue to live under restrictions for the foreseeable future.  In order to protect lives, livelihoods have suffered.   I believe support for mental health is now greater than it has ever been.

So what can I do?  I will be here to offer my insights and knowledge on how to look after your emotional needs.  I certainly don’t pretend to have the answers but like you, I too am living through these strange times.  On a daily basis, I am striving to be ok and keep my mental health as good as it can be.

Keep your eyes peeled for my posts on:

  • Facebook “Gemma Antcliffe Counselling”
  • Instagram @gemmaantcliffe_counselling