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Always look on the bright side of life

Always look on the bright side of life

Capt Sir Tom Moore captured the hearts of the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.  He famously said, “For all those people who are finding it difficult at the moment; the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away”.  Capt Sir Tom’s positivity was...
Self harm; An increasingly hidden problem

Self harm; An increasingly hidden problem

“Stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives” has been the residing public health message for almost a year.  Many people have been left to cope alone, isolated from support.  As a result, incidents of self harm have increased.  Coping strategies come in many...
The Imposter Syndrome

The Imposter Syndrome

Is there a voice in your head which holds you back?  Does it tell you things like: I’m not smart or pretty enough. Why would anyone want to listen to me? Everyone else seems to have it much more together. These types of thoughts could indicate you are...
Hello 2021

Hello 2021

Well hello there and welcome to 2021.  And for me, it’s a welcome back to my business.  Whilst I am not yet available to return to face to face counselling, I am here to offer insights; as a counsellor, business owner, a Mum, and a military wife. One of the values...
Be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself

The theme for this years Mental Health Awareness week is Kindness but what does this mean?  The American Activist Bryant McGill is quoted to say “The first rule of kindness is to be kind to yourself”.  Watch my latest video where I explore what this theme...